GN Solids Control is complete line drilling waste
management solution provider, related equipment like vertical cuttings
dryer, High G dryer, cuttings fixation unit, thermal desorption unit etc.
Different countries have different regulations on the treatment of drilling
waste discharged from shale shaker & mud cleaner &

Like client in Nigeria, most of land rig
oil drilling company do like this:
Use one set vertical
cuttings dryer + one set decanter centrifuge at rigsite. During drilling
period, the drilling waste discharged from shaker will go to vertical cuttings
dryer for recycle and reuse. The discharge solids from vertical dryer will be
collected by cuttings skips. The drilling fluids will go to centrifuge to
remove fine solids and then, go back to active mud tank for reuse.
The cuttings skips for vertical
dryer, cuttings skips for mud cleaner and cuttings skips for centrifuge will be
taken to mud factory which have thermal desorption unit for final treatment.
Vertical cuttings dryer is
mostly used in oil based mud drilling waste management. If for water based mud
drilling cuttings treatment, high G shaker is mostly
used. Because of lower environmental containment of WBM, high G dryer is very
lower cost than vertical cuttings dryer.

Like client from Algeria / Gabon, they like
to use cuttings fixation unit for final treatment at rigsite. They transfer the
drilling waste into the fixation unit, with curing agent.
Except for the drilling waste management
equipment, GN Solids Control also produces large quantity of solids control
equipment. Each year, we provide over 250 sets shale shaker & mud cleaner
& desander &
desilter; over 150 sets decanter centrifuge; over 400 sets centrifugal pump
& shear pump & submersible slurry pump & screw pump.
We can also offer complete line of solids
control mud system for oil & gas drilling big drilling rigs; compact small
mud system for HDD small rigs/ water water small rigs etc. For clients with
similar requirement, pls contact us freely.
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